Friday, March 13, 2009

Off the Ledge

Hey everybody! First of all, an update. Since my near-suicide first post of '09, I have been filling my life with reading, work, murga, cooking things (like a soup that actually tasted like soup!) and lots of hanging out with the housemates, including an outing to hippie town San Marcos Sierras with awesome new Finnish roommate Vappu (the blondie awaiting her mate in the pic)
As a result, I am doing much better in Cordoba! I still miss the good old days in Austin, and it's still way too freakin hot, but am slowly burrowing back into my Argentinian existence. One of the things that is keeping me busy is the search for private students to fill my time and my pocketbook (hey, something's gotta pay for my lollipops, veggie empanadas and phone cards!). So far, it's not going so hot. The following are my Do's and Don'ts for starting your own English business.
Abby's Private Teachin' Tips

Do:Put up fliers in the schools. The less snobby ones will let you, and most kids have a pretty hard time with English here.
Don't: Expect said kids or said kids' parents to call you immediately. They're busy doing other stuff. But they will call. Eventually. Some day.
Do: Advertise the fact that you are a native speaker and have experience with all levels and ages.
Don't: Get discouraged when an uppity Irishman puts up fliers in YOUR neighborhood advertising the exact same things in the exact same words PLUS other stuff you didn't think to write.
Do: Answer the phone, it could be a potential student!
Don't: Answer the phone if you have just woken up. It could be a grumpy old lady with a billion questions you have no idea how to answer!
In conclusion, please let me know if you know anybody living in Cordoba who wants English classes. Maybe internet advertising is the trick?


IGAB said...

querida "boom boom,"

yo soy un admirador de su blog. hablo español con la perfección de un poeta laureado, pero mi inglés no es tan bueno. oí usted es una magnífica profesora de la lengua. tengo el dinero para el mejor. puede ayudame?

jari judini

Laura said...

Glad to hear you're settling in, Abby! I bet if you posted a picture with your advertisement you would get a lot of hits...maybe not the ones you're looking for, though. I am very jealous that you get to pick your students...I got stuck with some real stinkers this semester..including one that says "Laura Teacher is bad teacher" at least once every class.
Miss you! Love the blog