Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Last Thursday, we celebrated Thanksgiving in the house! We somehow found a turkey, everyone brought salads, and, miracle of miracles, my first ever apple pie, made with highly approximate quantities of ingredients, was edible! (Note, not exactly the FIRST... attempt .5 was a pile of salty dust with apples on top). Although few people got into the whole go-in-a-circle-and-say-what-you´re-grateful-for, we did read aloud the history of Thanksgiving. This was necessary, since more than one Argentine celebrant insisted that the holiday commemorated the time that the Pilgrams killed and ate the Native Americans. I had to explain that the massacre of the native populations of the U.S. came AFTER the meal of brotherhood and harmony!

1 comment:

Joanie said...

Hi Abby,
Your Thanksgiving celebration sounded wonderful and I applaud your efforts to find all the "appropriate" foods for the occasion. The turkey looks delicious. I hope it was. Your feat of baking your first apple pie was VERY impressive! The pictures are great fun to look at and I particularly liked the Pilgrim hats and feathers!

We so enjoy your blog entries. Thanks for sharing your experiences.

Bill joins me in sending you our love,